Chitra Santhe which is an annual event organised by the Chitra Kala Parishath, the art institution, attracts artists from all over India who showcase their artwork for sale to the public. The artists, young and old alike present their art work along the footpaths of the centrally located and usually busy Kumara Krupa Road. Stalls are set up inside ChitraKala Parishat as well. Amateurs as well as professionals exhibit their works here without any age bar. The road gets occupied by artists selling items like paintings (mainly oil or water paintings), porcelain, sculptures and other art objects from morning till late evening. Some artists even offer on-the-spot portrait sketches of people interested in them. This is usually a 3 day event with no entry fee which happens during the months of January or February. The prices of the paintings here may be around hundred rupees or may even run into a few Lakhs! The art enthusiasts can stroll along the stalls and savour the greatest visual treat.